Keepin It Sweet With Lotsa Sugar....We're Talkin Photography Ladies and Gents! Throwin in Some Random Ramblings...Sugar~N~Spice & Everything Not So Nice:)
The leaves lay scattered beneath the beaten trees, the earth lies dry with crickets playing beneath my feet and the sun is relentless on this beautiful, yet very warm fall day! Yikes! We are supposed to be sporting our new fall wardrobe, but instead our summer clothes have been given an extended life line. We were waiting for the perfect fall day including cool temps so I could take Mikayla's first photo shoot. But since Mother Nature has a mind of her own it was short sleeves, flip flops, and shorts on this beautiful fall weekend shoot. Mikayla had to ditch that extra layer which adorned the trees as a new ornament on a Christmas tree. So here are a few teasers of Mikayla's first photo shoot of which I have been posting everywhere! Not because I took the photos, but because I AM head over heels in love with this munchkin face and I love her to the moon and back and than a whole lot more:) Enjoy!~XO MJ
Everybody see's life differently! THIS is how I see Life through my camera lens. My handy dandy camera and I will tell my life story. I Love Pink! Polka*Dots make my world go round! I Crave Sushi&Great Company(both at once is my delight)! Laughter is music to my ears! I have stayed true to Rocky Road ice cream since I was a lil girl. I could listen to the Acoustic Guitar 24/7~365 days a year! I Love breaking out in song out of the blue especially when I'm cooking! I'm Obsessed with anything Vintage! I Dance when everyone is looking~especially my kids. Most Importantly~ I LOVE MY FAMILY~They truly do complete me:)
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