Weekend In Review~Part 1 of III

Here it is the last of the "Weekend in Review" post! It was hard to narrow down the images because there were so many! These photos were taken Sunday 9/26/10 on our Sunday drive just enjoying the awesome Fall Weather! Believe it or not I had never touched Cotton in its natural state before Sunday! I am a Cali girl born and raised we do not have cotton fields where I came from. It took me about a year in a half to finally get to a field. I am settling slowly but surely I guess:/ I am trying to become one with the South, but I will always be a Cali girl who was born to love the ocean breeze and sand between my toes. There is no doubt home will always be home! On our drive we took a side road into an old town. So old it almost seemed deserted! I got some pics of an old grain mill that was just awesome! Oh and of course on our way back into town I couldn't resist taking pics of the old cars piled into one small lot! I love all old things,maybe not the smell so much~ just the look..lol:) Old things have character, a story to tell,they have been places I will never see or experience. I always wonder the journey the owner had with these old things I find beauty in. Sometimes I'm almost 99.9% positive I was born in the wrong era.

So here they are friends! Thanks for stopping by! Would love to see your pics so if you are stopping by and have a photo blog or even any kind of pics let me know! I would love to check them out! I love meeting new people! Everyone has a story to tell!


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